Minimum Standards for Online Submissions
Prepare your Manuscripts for Online submission as indicated below. These standards are necessary for peer-reviewing.
Standards for submission
Covering Letter: Must contain: Name, Address, Email id, Author's Mobile Number for Correspondence. The letter should mention in brief what is already known about this subject and what new has added by the submitted work. Title of the paper. Authors' initials and names. An abstract (not exceeding 10 lines) which should be most informative, giving clear indications of the nature and range of the results contained in the paper, and should not duplicate the conclusions. 3 to 4 keywords.
Length: There is no restriction on the length of the manuscript. However, a concise manuscript with all information is always well appreciated.
Abbreviations: Abbreviations to be defined where they first appear in the text.
Nomenclature: Please follow the correct and accepted Nomenclature.
Units of Measurement: Indicate SI units directly or in Parentheses after the value.
Drugs: Provide the Recommended International Non-Proprietary Name (rINN).
Species names: Mention species names in Italics. The Genus and Species name should be mentioned in Full, in title as well as wherever the organism name is first mentioned. After the first mention, the first letter of the Genus name followed by the Full species name is used.
For Genetic Nomenclatures, please refer to the recommended name by consulting the Genetic Nomenclature database. Genes, mutations, genotypes, and alleles Write in italics. Use the recommended name by consulting the appropriate genetic nomenclature database (e.g., HUGO for human genes). It is sometimes advisable to indicate the synonyms for the gene the first time it appears in the text. Gene prefixes such as those used for oncogenes or cellular localization should be shown in roman typeface (e.g., v-fes, c-MYC).
Preparation of Manuscript: The Manuscripts should follow the IMRad format (Introduction- Method- Results and Discussion). For more information, please read ( All original research articles should be structured in the following manner.
Title: The title should be concise and reflect the entire work of the submitted manuscript.
Affiliation: Below the title, all author names should be mentioned along with Affiliation of each author. Affiliation details should include - Department, University, Organization, City with Pincode, State, Country for all authors. Each author’s affiliation should be identified by a superscript small numeral. Author for correspondence should be indicated by an asterisk. Provide full address including e-mail, fax, and telephone number of Author for correspondence.
Abstract: Abstracts need not be in structured format. However, it should clearly state the purpose of the work, methods used, key findings and major conclusion drawn from the work in no more than 500 words. Use of abbreviations in abstract should be avoided however if essential should be expanded at its first appearance
Keywords: The author should provide 3 to 6 keywords, characterizing the scope of the paper, Keywords should be written in title case and separated by comma. Avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, 'and', 'of').
Introduction: State the background and mention clearly the objective of the present work.
Materials and Methods: All methods used should be clearly mentioned. This will allow other researchers to reproduce your work. Wherever required, give correct formula used for calculation.
Results: Results obtained in the study should be subjected to appropriate statistical methods and presented clearly. The findings should never be discussed in this section.
Discussion:It should have rationale and be of relevance to the present study along with the existing literature. Discuss the lacuna in the area and to how much extent the present study has answered the research question and provide directions for further research. Please avoid repeating the Results of your studies under this section.
Conclusion: Give the major conclusion from the present study. This section may stand alone or be clubbed together with discussion.
Acknowledgements: Acknowledge those persons who helped you in the present study by providing facilities, personal assistance and funding if any.
Footnotes: Footnotes are not permitted. If the manuscript contains footnotes, move them into the text and references as per the content.
SALT JSRH follows the Vancouver style of referencing.
a. In the Referencing
b. Reference List
c. Referencing journal articles
d. Referencing Books
e. For edited books
f. Tables
g. Figures
Copyright © 2024
SALT Journal of Scientific Research in Healthcare (ISSN 2583-3936 Online)
Published By
Scientific Advanced Learning Technologies (SALT) Trust
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